

Print it: COPY in Residence

Residency, public programme, publication.
Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK, 2012.

David Berridge / Chloe Brown / Rachel Lois Clapham / Ami Clarke / Emma Cocker / Coracle Press / Patrick Coyle / Jamie Crewe / Daniel Fogarty / Kit Hammonds / Lynn Harris / Jennifer Hodgson / Simon Lewandowski / Louisa Martin / Francis McKee / Fay Nicolson and Oliver Smith / Tamarin Norwood / David Osbaldeston / Alun Rowlands / Nick Thurston

Through a month-long programme of public discussions and activities the production and commissioning of new work, the COPY residency formed a dialogue with the broad range of writing, publishing and print practices featured in print it.

print it featured a pop-up artist bookshop featuring publications produced by artists, writers and poets from the world, COPY in Residence and an exhibition of works by Coracle Press.


Papers, Fictions, Script & Circles

Papers, Fictions, Scripts & Circles was a weekly series of discussions exploring forms, processes, structures and concerns within independent publishing, artist publishing and interdisciplinary visual and textual practices produced for the page.

Papers drew upon the history and significance of self-publishing, its implications today and the use of publication as medium or curated space.

With Coracle Press / Lynn Harris (AND publishing) / David Osbaldeston / Research Group for Artists Publications.

Fictions explored the use of written fiction and narrative in art and performance practices and their relation to experimental literature. 

With Jamie Crewe / Jennifer Hodgson / Tamarin Norwood / Alun Rowlands.

Scripts focused on texts, diagrams and scores which form a dialogue with, or constituent part of, live readings or performance. 

With David BerridgeRachel Lois Clapham / Ami Clarke / Patrick Coyle.

Circles discussed the significance of spaces for sharing, storing, reading and activating printed work and the shifting roles of libraries, fairs, project spaces and institutions in artist publishing activity and networks. 

With Emma Cocker / Kit Hammonds / Simon Lewandowski / Francis Mckee.


The Papers, Fictions, Scripts and Circles publication contains ‘notes’ contributed by each speaker, ranging from transcripts and essays to diagrams, lists and drawings.

Four silkscreen prints by invited artists Ami Clarke, Daniel Fogarty, Louisa Martin, and Fay Nicolson and Oliver Smith, were launched weekly alongside the events and feature in the publication.

Read more / purchase here.

Additional Events

Alongside the print it programme, COPY hosted a series of workshops in print and binding, and a book sharing event.

COPY founders, Joanna Jowett (nee Loveday) and Charlotte Morgan, produced new work in the gallery and remotely. Joanna’s work explored points of tension between text, diagram and performance or durational act, while Charlotte created a new sculptural intervention incorporating projected text and image which described an ambiguous spatial encounter, drawn in relation to one of reading.

Re-imagined Libraries: Charlotte hosted a discussion into the future of the library, continuing an ongoing research. The event reflected on the shifting nature of the archive, libraries in history, fiction and experimental publishing, and the sculptural language of storage and display, and made reference to the changes in Sheffield’s libraries.

With Nick Thurston.

print it: COPY in Residence was funded by  The National Lottery through Arts Council England and supported by APG Works, Dust and Site Gallery.