


A5 (148 x 210) B/W digital print + litho inserts and cover / Perfect bound 80 printed pages
Price: £10 (+P&P £2.50)

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Christine Arnold / Dave Charlesworth / Ben Jeans Houghton / Bob Levene / Joanna Loveday / Charlotte A Morgan / Maru Rojas / Aymee Smith

Yorkshire Sculpture Park, September – November 2012

Charts presents a collection of writing and visual works that explore a relationship to site.

Developed through a series of field trips to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, the works form connections to the Bretton Estate and its associations with education, leisure, display, the retreat and the archive. The project sought to explore and challenge the tradition of the creative retreat and the notions of solitude, connection with the land, clarity and the natural beauty often ingrained within it.

The resulting publication is made up of works that respond to, relate to, tangent from, map, chart, obscure and abstract the site, interwoven with fictions, fragments of histories, critical ideas, propositions and recollections. Charts is an ambiguous guide; an unreliable field survey, a diversion or a shifted cartography for imaginary wandering.

Charts was launched on Saturday 17 November 2012 at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

COPY: Charts
£10 + £2.50 postage and packaging.

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COPY: Charts is designed by Dust.